20 Main Reasons Drain Become Blocked

When it comes to our home’s plumbing system, one of the most common issues we face is a blocked drain. It can be frustrating to deal with, causing inconvenience and potential damage to our property. Understanding the reasons why drains become blocked is crucial in preventing such occurrences and ensuring the smooth functioning of our plumbing system. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the 20 main reasons why drains become blocked in 100 words, providing valuable insights and practical solutions to address each issue.

Understanding the Causes and Solutions

  1. Hair build-up: Hair is a common culprit for drain blockages, especially in the bathroom. Regularly using drain covers and removing hair from them can help prevent clogs.
  2. Food waste: Disposing of large quantities of food waste down the kitchen sink can lead to drain blockages. Use a sink strainer and avoid pouring grease or oil down the drain.
  3. Toilet paper accumulation: Excessive use of toilet paper or flushing other materials down the toilet can cause blockages. Stick to flushing only toilet paper and waste.
  4. Tree root intrusion: Tree roots can penetrate underground pipes, causing blockages. Regularly inspecting and maintaining your plumbing system can prevent root-related issues.
  5. Soap scum and residue: Soap scum and residue can accumulate in bathroom drains over time, leading to clogs. Regular cleaning and using drain cleaners can help prevent build-up.
  6. Foreign objects: Accidentally dropping small items like jewelry or toys down the drain can cause blockages. Be mindful of what goes down the drain and keep small objects away from open drains.
  7. Mineral and scale build-up: Hard water can leave behind mineral deposits and scale, obstructing the flow of water. Regular descaling can prevent blockages caused by these substances.
  8. Collapsed or damaged pipes: Age, corrosion, or external factors can cause pipes to collapse or become damaged, resulting in blockages. Timely repairs or replacements are necessary in such cases.
  9. Grease and fat accumulation: Pouring grease and fat down the drain can cause them to solidify and block the pipes. Allow grease to solidify and dispose of it in the trash instead.
  1. Flushing non-biodegradable items: Flushing items like wipes, sanitary products, or cotton balls can lead to drain blockages. Only flush toilet paper and biodegradable materials.
  2. Lack of drain maintenance: Neglecting regular drain maintenance can allow build-up to accumulate over time, leading to blockages. Implement a routine maintenance schedule to keep your drains clear.
  3. Structural issues: Poorly designed plumbing systems or inadequate pipe slope can contribute to drain blockages. Consult a professional plumber to address any structural issues.
  4. Deteriorating sewer lines: Over time, sewer lines can deteriorate, resulting in blockages. Regular inspections and prompt repairs are crucial to prevent severe drainage problems.
  5. Improper installation: Incorrect installation of pipes or fixtures can lead to drain blockages. Hiring a qualified plumber ensures proper installation and minimizes potential issues.
  6. Excessive toilet paper usage: Using an excessive amount of toilet paper with each flush can overwhelm the drainage system. Use only the necessary amount to prevent blockages.
  7. Frozen pipes: During winter, frozen pipes can cause blockages and potentially burst. Insulating exposed pipes and maintaining indoor temperature can prevent this issue.
  8. Undissolved detergents: Some detergents and cleaning products may not fully dissolve in water, leading to residue accumulation in drains. Use compatible products and rinse drains thoroughly.
  9. Foreign objects in outdoor drains: Leaves, debris, or small objects can obstruct outdoor drains. Regularly clear any blockages and maintain proper drainage in your outdoor areas.
  10. Invasive plant roots: Plants near drain pipes can send invasive roots into the plumbing system, causing blockages. Plant trees and shrubs away from drainage lines.
  11. Broken sewer main: A broken sewer main can result in serious drain blockages. Contact your local water authority for assistance if you suspect this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: How can I prevent hair blockages in my shower drain?
    • A: Using a drain cover and regularly removing accumulated hair can prevent blockages. Additionally, periodic cleaning with vinegar and baking soda can help dissolve hair build-up.
  2. Q: What should I do if my kitchen sink gets clogged due to food waste?
    • A: First, try using a plunger to dislodge the blockage. If that doesn’t work, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water. If the problem persists, consult a professional plumber.
  3. Q: Are there any eco-friendly ways to clear drain blockages?
    • A: Yes, a combination of hot water, baking soda, and vinegar can often help clear minor drain blockages without resorting to harsh chemicals. Plungers and drain snakes are also effective tools.
  4. Q: Can I prevent tree root intrusion in my plumbing system?
    • A: Regular inspections and maintenance, along with the careful placement of trees and shrubs away from pipes, can help prevent tree root intrusion. Professional plumbers can also apply root barriers.
  5. Q: What should I do if I accidentally drop a small object down the drain?
    • A: It’s essential to act quickly. Turn off the water supply, try using a magnet to retrieve the object if possible, or contact a professional plumber to disassemble the pipes.
  6. Q: How often should I schedule drain maintenance?
    • A: It is recommended to schedule professional drain maintenance at least once a year. However, if you notice slow drainage or foul odors, it’s best to have your drains inspected sooner.


Blocked drains can be a significant inconvenience, but with proper knowledge and preventive measures, you can minimize the occurrence of such issues. By understanding the 20 main reasons drains become blocked, you can take proactive steps to maintain the integrity of your plumbing system. Regular maintenance, mindful usage, and seeking professional help when needed will ensure the smooth flow of water in your home. Remember, a little care goes a long way in preventing drain blockages and preserving the functionality of your drains.

20 Main Reasons Drain Become Blocked
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